Techno Killer’s Schemes

Part 1: Slice and dice

Slowly, a man woke up. He had been hit across the head with something and did not know what. As he slowly opened his eyes, he noticed two other people in the small room that he was in, another man and a woman. He approached the other two people and tried to wake them up. Slowly the guy and girl woke up, also unaware of why they were there.

“Do you have any idea how to get out of here?” one guy asked the other.

“I don’t see a way out,” he replied.

They all looked around, but the room seemed to have no doors or windows, not ones that they could find. It was dark and musty, like a basement without floors. He could feel the dirt at his feet, then realized that he had no shoes. No one did. Why would they be taken to this place and be taken their shoes away? It made no sense.

“I don’t see anything. By the way, my name is Bethany. And I have a bad feeling that this won’t be good,” the girl frustratingly said. She worried about the reason why they were brought there. She was certain it was for an evil purpose. She only wished that she knew if she would survive this. she prayed that she would.

“I happen to agree. Names William and the fact that we are trapped here makes me wonder what is going to happen to us,” one man said. He could only think about movies he had watched where people would get captured. He never believed it could happen in real life, in his life, yet there he was trapped, and he was aware that something bad would be happening to them.

He did not care for their depressive attitude. He was not going to stay there. “I’m Cody, and we need to find a way out. If we were put into this room, that means there is a way out,” he knew there had to be a way out. He needed to leave. He was not going to end up dead, not now that his life was finally coming together.

“I agree, but where? I don’t even see a line or something that could be an opening,” William said.

Cody started to touch the wall, trying to feel something, anything to give him an idea where there could be an opening. It seemed unreal. This whole situation was like a part of a horror movie, and he was not going to be the one who ended up dead. He would find a way out. He had to.

Suddenly something began to slowly move downward from the ceiling. They all wondered what it could be. As in descended, they all got nervous at what would happen to them. Finally, it was all the way down. It was a big red button on a panel.

Abruptly a deep man’s voice started to speak.
“My precious toys, time to play a game. There are three of you and one button. Whoever presses the button first lives. The rest die. Now it’s time for you three to decide who lives and who dies.”

They all looked at each other, not knowing what to do. How could anyone make such a decision?

“I think it’s a trap. It makes no sense to kill all but one. I bet the one who does it will be the one to die,” William said. There was no way he would press the button. He was sure of it being a trap. And anyhow, if no one pressed the button, then the killer would have to change tactic and that he thought was of better interest for them.

“And what if u r wrong? What if whoever presses the button gets to leave,” Cody uttered. He was not going to die for them. His life was worth more than theirs. He was sure of it.

“I agree with William. I think it’s a trap, and even if it is not, we don’t have to press it at all,” Bethany added.

“You both say that because you are afraid,” Cody uttered. He was not afraid to do what was needed to do to survive. He did not care who got hurt along the way. He would survive this.

He wondered about this man. He seemed so set on pressing the button, which made him worry. He did not wish to die either, but he could step up and do what was right. “If it’s not a trap, then the right thing to do here is to let her press it and live,” William told Cody. He did think it was the honorable thing to do.

Cody didn’t care about being honorable. He just wanted to live. He quickly went over to the button. He was going to survive this. He was dying for no one. “No, I’m not going to die for her.”

“Wait, it could be a trap,” William uttered as Cody pressed the button

As soon as Cody pressed the button, a huge blade came down on him and sliced him in half. The slicing sound echoed with the gushing sound of the pieces of his insides. As his body fell into pieces and all his insides spilled onto the floor, Bethany screamed at the horror, and William took her into his arms so she could hide her eyes from the gruesome scene. She could still see the image in her mind of how Cody’s body fell into two big pieces. His brain spilled out, as did his intestines and other parts. She could smell the sweet metallic scent of the blood. It was a horror scene.

William was right. It had been a trap. If only Cody had listened. He did believe that no one would be getting out of there alive. Now all they waited for would be when it was their turn to die.

And as if it were predicted, two more blades sliced through from the sides, cutting both people leaving them to fall into three pieces onto the ground. Blood spilled everywhere.

In a dark room, far from this place, the killer knew that he had no choice to kill these people. The FBI was on their way and knew of this location. So, he watched as the heads of the girl and guy rolled slightly away from their bodies. He had wanted to do more, play more with his new bodies, but he ran out of time for this location. That was okay because he had plenty of other locations the FBI still knew nothing about. He would find other bodies, other precious toys to play with.

He watched as the FBI broke into the room, they finally found the entrance. He saw as two FBI agents walked into the scene. He decided to have just a bit of fun before he stopped watching this scene. He took his phone out and pressed in a number. He watched as suddenly the floor became electric, and the FBI agents who were touching the ground were being shocked. It was a marvelous sight, seeing the dead bodies jerk like they were alive, and the live bodies slowly burned and jerked around. If only they knew he was nowhere near them. He was far, in another world, watching from a screen. He pressed another number on his phone, and that stopped the electro-current in the room. A creepy grin fell across his face. They were all so clueless.

They would never find him; he was just that good.