Techno Killer’s Schemes

Part two: Can you get out?

Gently, Jenny woke up. She was lying on the floor of a room. She did not recognize the room. There were pipes that went across the ceiling as if they were in a factory basement of some sort. She looked around and saw a door. She did not like this place and was not staying. As she walked towards the door, her foot pulled on a chain. She stopped and saw that her foot was cuffed to a chain. She gazed at the chain and followed it to where it led to and saw that the chain went into a dark area of the room. She decided to follow the chain to see where it led to, just in case.

As soon as she walked into the dark corner, she stopped and saw another girl chained up and her mouth duct-taped shut. She approached the girl and then stopped when she saw the girl shake her head no at her.

But why would this girl not want her to come near her? Jenny could only wonder. She wanted to help this girl. They both needed to get out of there, for she realized that if they stay something horrific would happen.

“Let me help you,” Jenny told the girl.

The girl just shook her head no.

Jenny could not allow this girl to stay like that. She started to walk and then stopped at the girl’s cries. She could see tears in the girl’s eyes. What the hell was going on here? Jenny did not understand. It was still pretty dark, which only made her wonder at what was going on with this girl.

Suddenly, a light came on that showed Jenny very well the girl. She could not believe her eyes. The girl’s feet were tied to the ground and her arms tied straight up. The girl was standing up straight, and Jenny realized that her chained feet were attached to the chain that bound the girl’s hands. And it was a short chain, which meant that it pulled on the girl’s arms when she walked forward. This would be fine if it were not for her feet being tied too. It was an old fashion way of torture. Jenny remembered a movie once when a guy was torn apart by being connected to different horses. This was just another way of using the same method. She was appalled that someone would do this to them.

Jenny slowly backed up to her side of the room, which released the girl’s arms’ pressure. She saw the girl’s eyes telling her thank you. She wished she could do more.

Suddenly, a deep man’s voice began to speak, “You precious girls, how sweet it is for you to wish no harm onto the other. Now, you have a choice,” he paused as he pressed a button, and a key slid down on the opposite side of the wall from Jenny hooked onto a pole. “This key is the key to your freedom, Jenny. Now it’s your choice to stretch the other girl to get it or not.”

“What makes you think I would ever kill that girl for you, just for a key? Hell no. I’ll find another way,” Jenny yelled at the man. She was not going to do his dirty work for him.

“Dear precious Jenny, it is your choice to kill the girl or not, but do realize that your time is ticking,” the deep voice said. Then he pressed another button, and water started to pour into the room slowly. “Now, let me see what decisions you make knowing your life is nearing the end,” the deep voice then chuckled.

Jenny would figure something out. She would not kill anyone nor die for some evil man’s pleasures. “I won’t be your guinea pig,” she yelled at the voice. 

The water started to pour into the room, and she had to think of something. She moved a bit and then heard the other girl groan and knew she went too far. She tried to reach the key, but it was too far. In order for her to get that key, she would have to kill the girl. She backed up to her side of the wall.

“I know it will hurt, but we have to get out of here. There must be a way out,” she told the girl. She bent down and looked at the cuff and chain and tried to break the chain. It was no use. Every time she pulled the chain or moved it, the other girl would feel it. She was trying not to move it too much.

Then she just thought of something. She took the bobby pin that was in her hair and went for the lock on the cuffs. She would attempt to unlock the cuffs. As she put the pin into the keyhole and twisted, the girl screamed.

Quickly she turned and faced the girl and saw that the girl was given electroshocks. She moved the bobby pin out of the keyhole, and the shocks stopped. This was insane. The man thought of everything. That could not be possible. She could do this. She could find a way out of this. She tried to squeeze her foot out of the cuff, and it was no use. It was too tight.

“Listen, I know this may hurt, but I have to try. I’m going to try getting the key, and I’ll be as careful as I can not hurt you too much, okay?” Jenny asked the girl. And the girl nodded yes.

She assumed that this girl knew as much as she did that they needed to get out of there. The water was already to their ankle. It was only a matter of time. She slowly walked toward the key, leaving her foot back as much as she could. She heard the girl cringe in pain because she went too far. If only she could find something long she could use to help her get out of this. She looked around. She saw a pipe that was broken off a bit, and maybe she could finish breaking it and use it to get the key.

“I think I got an idea,” Jenny uttered. She walked over to the pipe and pulled on it. She pulled and pulled, and with a bit of strength, she pulled it right out of the socket it was in that was in the wall.

Suddenly, more water began to pour into the room. Oh no, what did she do? Now they had even less time. The water was now at her knees. As far as she could go, Jenny wadded through the water, not to hurt the girl too much. She stretched out with the pipe in hand. She tried and tried and was almost there. She moved just a bit more. She heard the girl yell in pain, but this was important, and they would live through this together. Jenny knocked the key with the pipe, and the key fell into the water.

“Shit,” Jenny said. She looked and looked but could not find the stupid key. “I will find it, just hold tight,” she told the girl. She could see that the girl was in pain, but she would live. Jenny walked around yet kept her foot at the right distance, not to injure the girl too much. The water rose faster, now at her hips. It was becoming hard to move around. Jenny decided to go into the water and see if she could find the key.

She plunged into the water and moved around slowly, touching the floor with her hands. She was moving her hands, and she finally found something. She picked it up and stood up.

“Ah!” she screamed as she threw the dead rat away from her. How could she have thought that the dead rat’s tail was a key? She could not believe this. She went back down into the water and looked for the key. Finally, she found something else. She prayed that this time it was the key.

She stood and yelled, “Yes, I found it!” She was so proud of herself. She walked over to her side of the walk, releasing some pressure for the other girl. She hoped that the other girl was not too damaged. She bent and used the key and unlocked her foot. She was glad that she could do this. Leaving the chain and cuff there, Jenny walked over to the other girl. She hoped that the key would work on the girl’s cuffs too.

As she approached the girl, she ripped the duct tape off the girl’s mouth. “I hope you are okay, not too badly injured?” she asked.

“I’m okay, in pain, but I believe I will survive,” the girl responded.

“Let me see if this key will work on your cuffs, too,” Jenny said.

She moved the key to the cuffs at the girl’s hand and was glad that the key works. The girl rubbed her wrists and was thankful to be free. Jenny went into the water. It was now at their midsections. She dove into the water and tried the key on the cuffs that were on the girl’s feet. She slowly unlocked the feet, glad the key was for all the cuffs.

As she moved up out of the water, she wondered how this man thought they would not get out of this. Abruptly, she saw red in the water. She moved up and popped her head out and was in horror by what she saw.

The girl had been impaled through her heart with a pipe. She could not believe that all her hard work was for nothing. She did not save the girl. This monster had a plan for everything. That made her think, what was his plan for her?

She quickly swam over to the door. She prayed it was not locked. She turned the knob, thankful that it was not locked. She pulled the door open. The water made it a bit difficult. It covered almost the whole door. As the door finally got open, she watched in dread at what she now faced. The man never had any intentions of letting her go. She looked at the wall that she now faced. It was a false door, no exit, just another wall.

The water rose, and she swam to the top. This was unfair, Jenny thought to herself. Why make her do all this if she was to be killed anyhow. She was annoyed.

“Why give me a key if you had no intentions of letting me go?” She yelled at no one but hoped that the man heard her.

The deep voice spoke, “Because I wanted to see what you would do. Would you kill the girl to save yourself? Or would you sacrifice yourself? It was fun watching you precious Jenny, but no one escapes me.”

Jenny heard him as the water went all the way to the top, leaving no air for her. There was nothing she could do now. As she ran out of air, water began to fill her lungs, and she closed her eyes to the impending death she waited to come for her. Slowly, Jenny lost consciousness, and her body floated up to the ceiling, drenched with water.

The killer just watched on a screen as he saw his work. This had been quite a bit of fun. The killer enjoyed seeing how Jenny managed, although not knowing there was no escape. And no one would find these girls any time soon. Not that it mattered, he watched from the comfort of his home. He could do whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted. He was just that good. He was a genius in tech and in killing like this. He would never get caught. This he was sure. It was not as if the FBI had any leads.

“Ha ha ha,” he laughed at himself, at those stupid FBI agents that knew nothing of what he was capable of doing. Just wait, he thought. This was about to get good.