Techno Killer’s Schemes

Part 6: Seven Deadly Deaths

Minnie woke up, and she was tied down on a bed. She struggled but did not know why she was there. Last she remembered, she was spending the night with friends at a bar, now she was there. Where was there anyway?

Suddenly the bed started to move upwards, slowly she began to see around her, for she was tied on the bed, but upright. She looked around and saw that there were six other people there. One guy and girl were tied each to a chair. Another guy was in a clear box. A girl was tied to some sort of old fashion wheel. Minnie saw another guy chained to the wall and another chained to an enormous plank made from wood. She did not know why there were all there, nor did she know these people. However, she did realize that this was not going to be a good experience. Something horrible would play out there, and she did not wish to stay and see it.

Minnie started to struggle to get out of her ties. All it did was activate something that made the ties tighten on her. She feared for her life because she did not believe she could get out of there.
She began to yell at the others, trying to wake them up. Slowly they all started to wake up, also not knowing where they were.

“What’s going on?” The guy tied to the chair asked everyone.

“I don’t know,” said the girl tied to the chair.

The guy in the box banged on one of the glass sides, and they could hear a muffled yelling to get him out of there. Minnie did not know how any of them could get out. She watched as each of them attempted their best to get out of their fixtures, but no one could.

Abruptly a deep voice spoke, “my precious toys, we will be playing a game. Each of you has a deadly sin. Let’s see which one you each got.”

Then the lights went off, and the room went black for a few seconds. Blacklights were turned on. Minnie looked across from her at the guy that was chained to the ceiling. She could see clearly that something was written on the guy’s forehead, ‘sloth.’ She feared at what this meant and what would be hers. Quickly she looked at the two people tied to the chairs. The guy had ‘gluttony,’ and the girl had ‘envy’ on their foreheads. That did not leave many left. She looked at the one tied to a plank, and his forehead said, ‘anger.’ She then looked at the guy in the glass box, ‘greed.’ She was pretty worried at what she had, although she had an idea at what it was, being that she was stuck on a bed. She looked at the last one, the girl tied to a wheel. She had ‘pride.’

She could not believe it. She was ‘lust.’ Why was she lust? She never in her life was the lustful sort. This was not fair. What would happen to her now that she was labeled this way? Dread rose within her at the thought of possibilities of what could happen to her.

Suddenly a light shined on the guy in the glass box. Minnie could see that there was fear across the guy’s face because he knew his time was up.

“Greed, my precious toys, can be quite a horrible sin to have,” a deep voice uttered.

“I’m not greedy, I swear, please let me go,” the man in the box pleaded.

Minnie did not understand, and she could clearly hear the man when before he was muffled. Why on earth would this crazy man put a mic into the box? What was so vital for them to hear? She did not like this, not one bit.

“Alright, if you can prove to me you are not greedy, then I will let you go,” said the deep voice. “What kind of house do you live in?”

The man did not understand why the question, nor did he know how to prove that he was not greedy. “I have a two-story bungalow,” he answered.

“And you live with?” the deep voice asked.

“No one, it’s just me living there,” the man answered.

“What about cars? Do you have any?” the deep voice then asked.

“Two, a Corvette and a truck.”

“And you wish me to believe that you are not greedy?” the deep voice said.

Minnie could see how this looked, and it was not good. She watched as she saw a pipe move on top of the glass box and the top of the box open up. She did not want to know what would happen next. She did not think it would be nice.

The man in the box also saw the pipe move and the top open. He tried to climb up the walls of the box to get out but could not. “Just because I like to have a good house and cars does not make me greedy. It makes me prepared for when I do have a family,” he yelled at the mystery man.

“The problem is, my precious toys, I know everything about you. I know what you own to what you do, and where everyone works. I know that my precious greedy toy is, in fact, very greedy. That you own these things not because you are planning ahead but because you want the best,” the deep voice told him.

The man in the box disagreed with this crazy man’s ideas. “No, I am not greedy, and you can’t prove it.”

Abruptly a recording started to play on the speakers that everyone was listening to hear the man in the box and the killer. ‘I deserve the best of the best, and no one will take that from me.’ The recording started to say. ‘I don’t care about a family in my future. What I care about is having all I can now.’ The recording finished.

“These are your words,” the deep voice said.

The man in the box was surprised to hear what he had said once to a friend. But he did not think that was justified. “Yes, I said those things, but you misunderstand what I was saying. I only wanted to prove my worth to my friend. I’m not greedy, I swear,” he yelled.

“You should have thought about that before,” the deep voice said. “There are always consequences to what you do and say, and no one can hide anything from me.”

Something yellow started to pour into the box with the man. Minnie could see that the man moved over to the side because of whatever it burned him. She watched and realized what was slowly pouring into the box with the man. It was melted gold. Then it started to go faster, and they all hear a scream as the melted gold poured onto the man’s head, burning and melting parts of him as it flowed on top of him, turning him into a deformed statue of gold. The melted gold stopped pouring into the box. Minnie knew that the man was dead. She could barely believe her eyes. She realized that they would all be getting a turn, and she hoped she could prove her innocence to the man because she knew that she was not lustful, not even in the slightest. And she could prove it.

Everyone started to move around, trying to get out of their ties or chains. But no one could. Next, the light turned off of the box and shined onto the guy tied to a chair. He struggled, but it was no use. He did not wish to die and would have to prove he was not guilty.

“Gluttony, precious gluttony, what do I do with you?” the deep voice asked.

“I don’t even know what that is. How can I prove that I’m not?” the man tied to the chair uttered.

“This deadly sin is one of indulgence, which means you overdo or overeat. Will you take a try at proving your innocence?” the deep voice replied.

The man looked down at the ties to his wrists and did not think he could prove himself not guilty. He was sure there were times he overate. He was a taste tester and product tester, and it was his job to taste everything and try everything. He had many unnecessary things at his home. It was easy to prove that he was, even if he was not. Therefore he decided to take a different approach and see if this crazy man would accept it and let him go.

“I can’t prove to you that I am not, but I can apology and promise never again to be this way,” he uttered, hoping this would appease the man.

Suddenly they heard finger tapping as if the killer was thinking this over. Could this be a solution? Can this work and get them out of there? Minnie hoped it was because then she would know what to do to save herself even if she believed she was not guilty. She would do whatever to get out of there and not die.

“Precious gluttony, I will accept your apology, but unfortunately for you, consequences still need to be had,” the deep voice said and pressed a button. He loved how he could use tech to his advantage, not that anything anyone could say or do would make him let them go. No one ever escaped him.

Abruptly the chair began to move. It tilted downward, placing the guy at an angle. Then a metal shoot moved in front of his face and kept going towards his mouth. The man tried to keep his mouth closed, but the shoot kept going, cutting through his lips, causing the man to open his mouth to be in less pain. With his head against the back of the chair, he was stuck. There was no way he could move his mouth away from the shoot.

Minnie could see the terror in the man’s eyes. She watched as she could see that something was being pushed into his mouth, but she did not know what it was. The man tried to keep up eating whatever was being pushed into his mouth, but more and more of the substance was being pushed into his mouth, harder and harder it got until he began to choke on what the substance was. The man choked and died. Minnie did not like how this was going. How was she going to die? Being that she was labeled lust, her imagination could only wonder. It would not be good, that was for sure.

Once the man was completely dead, the shoot moved away, and small amounts of what looked like raw meat fell from the metal shoot. It was not even something deadly. Just the sheer amount being pushed into the mouth made the man choke and die. She feared what could be next.

The light then shifted to the girl that was tied to a chair. Minnie knew her forehead said envy, now how was the crazy man going to kill the girl with envy? This she feared and intrigued at the same time.

“My precious envy, now what do you have to say for yourself?” the deep voice asked.

“Fuck you, you bastard,” the girl yelled.

“That is not very nice,” the deep voice said and pressed a button.

Minnie watched as an arm came down with a needle. The needle moved to the girl’s arm, and whatever was in the needle was injected into the girl’s arm. Minne wondered at what could have been in the syringe.

Suddenly the girl started to turn green, and she slowly began to shake. Foam was coming out of her mouth. Minnie knew that it was poison. Foam dripped out of the girl’s mouth and onto the floor, and she went into a seizure and died. Minnie watched as the girl just as suddenly stopped moving. She could only assume that she was dead. But the dead girl remained green. Minnie wondered if that was done on purpose because envy was associated with being green sometimes.

The light then shifted to the guy attached to the plank. Minne definitely was afraid of what she would be watching for this one. It did not look good.

“Precious anger, do you have anything to say?” the deep voice asked.

The man just yelled and struggled on the plank. He tried to get out of where he was tied. The plank began to move and positioned the man flat. Then they watched as a saw came down and took off the man’s arm. The arm rolled to the ground, and blood spilled out. The man was yelling in pain. Then Minnie watched as the saw cut his other arm off and the man’s two legs, making blood-curling creams come out of the man’s mouth. She could not believe the man was still alive. But she did know that would not be for long, with all the blood spilling out of the wounds.

Abruptly the saw came down on the man’s head and cut his head clear off. Minnie was horrified at seeing this. She closed her eyes, and she could not bear seeing the bloody horror scene.

Next, the light switched to the girl on the wheel. Minnie did not know what that had anything to do with pride. But the girl who was tied feared for her life and how painful this would be.

“Precious pride, how would you like to go? Easy or hard?” the deep voice asked.

“Please, I beg you, let me go,” the girl begged.

“The only way you are going is in a body bag, now what is your choice, or do I get to chose?” the deep voice then said.

The girl did not know what to say. She wanted to live. But she did not wish for pain. “Easy,” she yelled. If she would have to die, she did not want to die slowly.

The wheel began to turn, and the girl was turning with it. Minnie did not understand how this would kill the girl. Then she saw another wheel slowly move down and link to the other wheel. That is when she realized that it was not a wheel the girl was on, but a gear. As the gears slowly moved together, the girl’s head got closer and closer to where the gears would link together. Minnie then heard a horrifying scream as the girl’s head was smashed between the two gears, splattering brain guts everywhere.

Minnie then realized that there was only one guy left and her. She did not want to die either. This was unfair, and she did not deserve this.

The light turned off again, and Minnie dreaded that it was her next. Luckily for her, the light turned onto the guy. She signed in relief, even though it would be short-lived. She watched as the guy had chains at his feet and his arms. The voice did not even say a word. The chains started to move, and the man was slowly being pulled apart. Minnie watched as the man’s limbs were being removed. The man screamed and screamed, yelled some profanities at the killer. But it did not stop his limbs from being wholly pulled off him. Blood spilled everywhere, and Minnie knew she was next as she watched the man die. She had to try something.

“Please, you have the wrong person. I’m not lustful. I swear I’m not,” Minnie uttered.

The bed moved again, back to the original position, where she was flat and could not see anything.

“My precious lustful, whether you are or not a mistake, it matters not. No one leaves me alive, and neither will you,” the deep voice said.

Minnie closed her eyes, and she knew her time was up. She felt something slid painfully into her vagina. It turned, and the killer clicked a button, which made hooks come out. Then he clicked again. The rod twisted and was pulled out, pulling her insides out of her. It killed her instantly.

The killer looked at his handiwork. He left a few bread crumbs this time so the FBI could find these people. He wanted to know if the FBI would even realize at what game he was playing. They would soon learn. He would be coming for them too. It was only a matter of time.

The killer stood there watching all of this from the safety of his place. How stupid the FBI was to think that they would ever catch him. He was too good for them.

“Wait and see what I have next,” the deep voice uttered loudly at no one. Then he laughed. He was good at this game and knew that he would win the game against the FBI too.

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