Techno Killer’s Schemes

What are you willing to do?

In a dark room, a brown-haired girl named Brandi woke up to find herself among three men. All in a small dark room, with not much else in the room. They all started to wake up. Brandi feared what this was all about and why she was there. Why was she taken and put there with three men? She did not like where her imagination went as she thought about the possibilities. Were these men involved in this? How much she hoped not.

One man stood up, seeing the girl, approached her. Brandi backed away, saying, “Don’t come near me.” she feared what this man would do to her. Was he there to rape and kill her?

The man stopped. “Look, I just wanted to know if you are okay. I wasn’t going to do anything to you,” he told her. he could see that she was afraid. He understood, he was also, but they were there together, and whatever would ensue to them, they would have to deal with together.

“So you were put here too???” Brandi asked.

“Yes, I think we all were brought here, but I don’t know why,” the man said. What person could have wanted them all there, stuck in a room, in the dark? What was the purpose of this?

“I don’t know why either,” Brandi said. Her mind told her it was not a good thing that they were there. Something terrible was going to happen. She could feel it. She only did not know what it would be.

Abruptly, a speaker that hung on the wall by the ceiling started to make noise, and someone began to speak. “My precious toys, we will be playing a game. The game is called, what are you willing to do? You will be given two choices of things to do, and you will have to choose one and do it. I hope you have as much fun as I will watching you,” said a deep voice.

“And what if we don’t participate, then what?” one man yelled at the speaker box. He did not wish to participate in this, not even a bit. He did not think that this mystery man could make him either.

“Then you will die,” the deep voice chuckled.

They all stood there in the room, not knowing what to do or what would be asked of them. After a few seconds of waiting, a second man said, “We need to find a way of escaping.” He did not wish to stay there for a minute longer. They had to find a way out.

“Agree,” they said in unison and began to look around the room for a door or window or anything that could help the escape.

Everyone searched high and low, but no one found any opening of any kind. It was as if they were put in a room with walls, a ceiling, and floors, yet no entrances, no exits. Like they were in a tightly sealed box, this could not be good.

“How did we get put in here if there is no way out?” Brandi asked the room. It made no sense to her how they were put there. Without a door or window, how was this possible?

“I don’t know,” said the man who talked to her in the beginning. He feared at the reasons behind being put there with no escape. This mystery man did not wish them to be able to escape, which could only mean one reason. He hated to think his life would end, but what choice did he have there?

Suddenly a trap door opened from the ceiling, and something fell onto the middle of the floor. They all realized that this was possibly how they were put into the room, which meant no chance of leaving. Everyone stared at the thing that was wrapped up in a piece of cloth. No one wanted to touch it, fearing that it would be something horrible. Finally, the third man walked over to the wrapped-up package and picked it up. Someone had to take the first step and get this, whatever this was, over with, and hopefully, the mystery man allows them to leave.

“What is it?” the second guy asked as a chill of fear went down his spine.

“I don’t know,” the third man said as he started to unwrap the object. He got to the thing and pulled it out, and it was a knife that had been wrapped up in the cloth. Seeing what it was, the man dropped it onto the floor. “It’s a knife,” he answered the question.

“A knife, what is that for?” Brandi asked, but no one knew the answer.

Then the voice began to talk again in his deep scary voice. “Here are your two options, one of you can kill another, or two of you can lose your baby toes. I’ll await your decision.”

They looked at each other. This could not be happening, Brandi thought to herself. She did not wish to die nor wanted to be cut into, but what choice did they have. This mystery man said that it was this or death. She wanted to survive this, not die. She could live without a baby toe.

Not knowing what would happen next, the first man thought doing the less damaging option would be best. As much as he did not wish to be hurt, he would rather lose a toe than his life. “Well, I guess the best option would be for two of us to cut our baby toes off. Anyone wishing to volunteer?” the first guy asked.

“I can’t do this, I can’t do this,” the second guy agitatedly said. “There is no way this monster could kill us. We should just refuse to do anything.” Then the guy proceeded to yell at the mystery man. He would not put up with this. He did not see how this monster could kill him when he was not even near them. “I will not play your games. Do you hear me? You are a coward, hiding somewhere. But you can’t make me do anything. You hear me,” he shouted.

Suddenly a pole came shooting down from the ceiling, passing through the man’s head all the way down through him and poled him to the ground, killing him instantly. Brandi screamed as this happened. Blood splattered and leaked from the now stuck body. All she could do was close her eyes to the gruesome display of power this mystery man had over them.

The speaker began to make noise again. “My precious toys, I told you. You have to play my game. But since this toy decided to be offered, we shall pass to the next level of the game,” the deep voice voiced with utter evilness in his voice, which scared the three people left.

Everyone looked at each other, fearing what next would happen.

The trap on the ceiling opened again. Three bottles filled with a liquid fell to the ground in front of each person. They all could do nothing but stare at the bottles, hoping it was not something that would kill them.

“Each bottle is filled with water, yet one has poison within it. Chose wisely, my precious toys,” the deep voice wickedly said, watching the three people as they were looking at the bottles in fear. If only they knew what would happen, but they soon would.

They each picked up a bottle near them. None of them wished to risk drinking, but they all knew that what happened to the man still twitching on the pole could happen to them.

“Are we all good with the bottles we picked?” the first man said. At this point, he was unsure any of them would make it out alive. Therefore, dying now or later made no difference to him now.

“Sure, I don’t think it would make much of a difference. We don’t know what bottle the poison is in,” Brandi despondently uttered. She also did not see what the point was in all this. At the end of the day, did it matter? Would they be able to leave? She was beginning to doubt it.

“I’m not good,” the third guy said. He was not foolish. He realized that each bottle fell in front of each person, which meant that the killer wanted a specific person to die. And in his mind, seeing that there were two men and one woman, one of the men was the one to die. It made the most sense to him. “I want her bottle,” he said. He knew that hers would be a good one, and he wanted to live.

Brandi did not understand why he wanted hers, but she did not think it was fair just to hand it over without an explanation. “Why?” she asked. Not that she cared, she was just curious.

“Why? Because I feel that the bottle you have is a good one, and I am not ready to die,” he told her. It was survival of the fittest. And he planned on living through this. he figured that this game was to be played until one person was left. He wanted it to be him, and he did not care who died to become the sole survivor. He would win this game.

“Why don’t you take mine then,” the first man said, thinking that this guy was a coward to take the bottle that the girl had. Who cared if she had the good bottle? Should they not step up like men and help her out?

“No, it’s okay, he can have it,” she said as she threw the bottle to the man. She figured that if they were all to die, poison might be one of the best ways, considering how the first man to die went. She would rather a poison than something else more gruesome.

The man caught her bottle and threw his bottle in her direction, and it hit the ground. Brandi picked it up. She could not believe this guy was so mean to her as if he did not care that she might die. They all opened the bottles up and drank the liquid. Nothing happened.

“Maybe the guy was messing with us?” the first guy questioned. He would not put it past this mystery guy to mess with them because this was just a game to this killer.

Suddenly the guy who took Brandi’s bottle started to shake. His body went into a seizure, and he fell to the ground, flopping around like a fish without water. Foam began to seep his mouth as his body spasmed. Then with no notice, his body completely stopped. Brandi could only assume that the man was dead. She was in disbelief at what was happening there. All she wanted was to leave but feared that there would be no escape for any of them.

Everything went silent for what seemed like forever. Then abruptly, the deep voice cruelly spoke. “Now, my precious toys, you have another choice,” he paused. A handcuff and a bat came out of the trap door in the ceiling. “Now you can handcuff the girl to the wall, or she can beat you with the bat. Make your decision. I’ll be watching.”

The last man alive walked over to the handcuffs and picked them up. “I hope you don’t mind,” he uttered. He much rather she was tied than him getting beaten. He did think that made the most sense for them to do.

“Like I have a choice,” she replied. Brandi did not think any of them had any choice at this point, but at least this would not hurt either of them.

The man walked over to her. He took one side and handcuffed her, then looked around the room and saw one poll attached to the wall of this place. How come he never noticed it before. It was as if this whole thing was set up in order to torture then kill them. He wished the killer would just get to the killing and be done with it. Why all the games? It seemed unnecessary. He moved the girl by the poll, slid the other side of the handcuff around the pole, and handcuffed her.

“There, it’s done,” the man voiced. He just wanted to get this over. He realized that he would not survive this. “Now what?” he pressed the mystery man.

The trap opened, and a mystery box fell to the floor with a thud. The man stared at it. How much he did not wish to know what this was for, he did not need more of this torture.

The speaker made a noise, and the mystery man started to talk again. “Now you chose between a mystery box, or the girl gets her ear cut off. Choose wisely. I’ll be watching,” the deep voice said in an evil tone as if he was playing with them and that he was having fun.

The man looked at the box then at the knife that was still on the ground. He did not know what to do. Part of him wanted to take the box and have this over with and just die. Another aspect of him wanted to survive this if that was even possible.

“Just cut it off, no reason to die. Maybe he will let us out once his game is done,” Brandi said. She was hopeful that by the end of this game, they would be set free. Why keep them if they do everything asked? She had to pray that was all they had to do, play this horror game of his.

“I am not sure he will,” the man said. Was it even a possibility?

“I have to believe that this is all for a reason, and once we find out why, he will let us go. It makes sense to me,” she told him. She hoped she was right. She wanted to live.

The man picked up the knife and approached her. “Okay, I’ll do it,” he said. Taking the knife, he went to her ear. He wanted to prepare her as best as he could. “This is going to hurt. But I’ll try to get it done fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid, maybe less painful that way.” He hoped he was right.

Brandi closed her eyes. She could feel his hand holding her ear out so he could cut it off. Then suddenly, with the knife, he quickly sliced the ear off. She yelled in pain but knew it was better than whatever the box would have for them. Blood seeped out, and she could feel it leaking down the side of her neck.

The man threw the knife down on the ground. He could not believe he did that to her that he could hurt anyone was sad to him.

Some time passed, and nothing happened. They did not know what the reason to make them wait so long was. It felt like days. But no one knew how long they were there, nor how long time flew by. He hated this waiting game, and he hated the torture game. Why not just kill them and be done with it? Then the trap on the ceiling opened again, and a spoon fell to the ground. The man stared at the spoon, wondering what possibly could be asked using that thing.

The deep voice maliciously spoke again, “my precious toys, I love that you both are playing along. I feel like being good-hearted and allowing you both to walk away if you both keep participating as you both are. Now my precious toys, you need to choose between the mystery box and one of you scooping your eye out with a spoon. Choose wisely if you wish to live. I’ll be watching.”

The man stared at the spoon and could not believe what he heard. How could either of them do that? He then looked at the girl. She already had a missing ear, and he did that to her. He did believe it was his turn.

“Just do it. I don’t care. If losing my eye will get us out of here, just do it,” Brandi told the man. She did not care. All she wanted was to get out of this. Whatever it took, she would do as long as it got her out.

“No, my turn,” the man said.

“But you can’t do it to yourself, and I can’t help you with it. I’m handcuffed,” Brandi did not think anyone could do it to themselves. It seemed impossible.

The man bent down and picked up the spoon. He was not sure he could but knew he had no choice. He kneeled on the ground. She watched him. Taking a deep breath, he took the spoon and yelled as he stuck the spoon into his eye and pulled his eye out. He groaned. He was in so much pain. And now half-blind. He dropped the bloody spoon with the eye that was still attached to it. He bent down, placing his forehead onto the ground, grunting in pain. He took another breath and yelled, “we’ve done everything. Please let us go.” He did not think he could do anything else.

Suddenly the trap opened, and another mystery box fell, hitting him on his back. The man sat up slowly and could not believe that he would still have more to do before leaving.

“My precious toys, this will be the last game we play. Now you will pick between mystery box one or two,” the deep voice said.

The man thought about it. The second box had to be the one that would leave them alive. He could not believe that the box that was sent to them before had anything other than death. It made sense. Since they had tasks to perform or the death box, he would talk it out with the girl first because this was her life on the line. “What do you think? I think the second seems safer, but I want your opinion before I open a box,” he asked Brandi.

Brandi thought about it. She did think that maybe it was. “It makes sense. The other one was sent before, and since every time the man asks us to do something, its pain or death, would make sense that the first box would be something deadly,” she answered him. She hoped she was not wrong.

“I agree,” he uttered. He slowly moved his arms and grabbed the box. He was in so much pain, but he wanted this over with and to be let go. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the box. He opened the top, and a spray burst out, spraying his face. He could feel it burning him. He began to yell in pain as the acid sprayed on his face slowly ate up his skin and muscles, gradually moving to his bones.

Brandi watched as the acid melted up the man’s head, and she screamed at what she saw. It was horrific, seeing the acid slowly burn and melt away the man’s head, leaving the body on the ground twitching.

Brandi was tied up, handcuffed to some pipe that was in the room. She had blood all over her from the injury that she had suffered. The last person that was there died. Now she had no clue what would happen next. She hoped that the man would let her go. He said he would. She wanted to leave. She did not understand why she had been picked for this. She never did anything wrong to deserve this.

She looked up and saw a small camera in the corner of the room on the ceiling, which she never noticed before. She knew he was watching her. What sick man could sit there watching as people hurt themselves or got hurt?

“What more do you want? I have done everything you asked of me. Please let me go,” she hollered. She wanted him to let her go like he said he would. “You said you would,” she continued to speak.

The man did not answer. Did he leave her there to die? Oh, how she hoped not. She had already been there for what seemed like days. She did not think she could handle any more of this. She and the men had to do unspeakable things she never believed she could do. But it was do or die, and she wanted to live.

“Please let me go,” she begged.

The shadow person watched as this girl begged for her life. He pressed a button and watched as the girl looked at what was inside the other mystery box.

Brandi saw nothing in the other box, which means everything they did was for nothing. “What are you, a mad man? How could you do this?” she shouted to this person who stayed in the shadows.

The person who held her captive did not say a word.

Suddenly the walls started to move. She could not believe this. As the walls moved closer to her, she tried to get her wrist out of the handcuff.

“I did everything you asked of me. I don’t deserve this. Please just let me go,” she pleaded with the man, yet no answer.

The walls were closing in on her, and she knew that death awaited her.

Above the room, a shadow-like figure watched as the walls slowly squished the girl. If the girl believed that she would escape him, she was wrong. No one ever escaped him. Once he took someone, they were his until he was done with them. And he was done with this one.

He pressed the button to stop the walls, for the girl was dead.

“I lied,” the deep, heartlessly voiced said to the dead.

He would move on to another person, another place. He knew how to do whatever he wanted and never get caught. It was his specialty. He moved away from the console and left the place. Time to find another location and other people to torture, and he had a great idea. He was in the mood to mess with a specific FBI agent that was chasing him. He had a plan, and this was going to be so much fun.

“Ha ha ha ha ha,” the shadow man sadistically laughed at what he was thinking would come next. He could not wait.

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