
Have you ever felt overwhelmed when writing? Normally I do not, but this time I am. For some reason, I feel more overwhelmed with writing these days. I think that I feel that this book I am writing, it means so much to me that I pour my all into it, like I would do for any of my books. But I think that the techno killer’s book I have a different sense with it, I want it to be interesting and good, that people would want to read it. My need for perfection is causing me to feel overwhelmed with it all.

Not that I am not inspired and have the storyline in my head, but I want so much not to disappoint I tend to second guess myself. Does this ever happen to you? Sometimes taking so time off from writing is what is needed, I think. I have started the techno killer’s book. I do believe I need to put it aside and come back to it in a week or two. Even us writers need to take a break sometimes. So, I will be taking a short vacation. I will not stop writing my blogs, I will still be doing that for all those who read them.

This may make finishing the book take a bit longer, but the end results are what matters. There I will take a break, rejuvenate, and come back with a fresh mind and more ideas.

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