
Creating a character, I feel it is an art skill. Because all writers have their method of creating their characters and each method is creative and unique to our personality as a writer. I love the process of creating a character. I find it fun because you never know where this character will go or if the character will change. Choosing what kind of character within the story that you are creating makes the story go in certain directions. If I create a strong character, well in certain situations they will act in certain ways, such as they will not coward away from danger. They will want to find a way out of problems. Such as a character that is weak may coward and think there is no way out of a problem. This makes a difference in how the story is written.

There are many different things to consider when creating a story. As a writer sometimes we go through a lengthy process and sometimes we can just write and the story and characters come to us. I do think any method that works for you, then it is the best method for you. For me creating my characters is part of my process of creating my stories. And I think in the end when we writers get started on a story, having fun while we are creating is one of the most important parts of the writing process.

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