
I have been working hard on creating a certain kind of novel, a horror, which means the description is done in a certain way. I cannot be describing things and people in cute ways, that would not create the type of environment that I am going for. Cute may be good for kid books and love books, but when it comes to horror, cute goes out the window. So how do I use description to my advantage? I can create an environment of horror by describing it with a darker nature in mind. Such as a person could describe a hotel room as comfortable and clean, I can switch it up a little and say that the hotel room is dark and gloomy. well, I would go into much more detail than that but I wanted a quick example. The world around us can be described in two ways, the nicer way or the darker way. And when I am writing horror I much find ways to take something that can be cute and cuddly and turn it into something darker. I find it can be hard sometimes just as it can come to me easily. But writing horror is not always easy. It is not something experience so it takes a lot of creativity to write stuff that you do not know. But for me, I do some research and try to use description to my advantage. Also a good addition is to use the old tool of who, what, when, where, and how. It can also help in a description, I will go into more detain in my next blog.

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