Ideas can come from anywhere

Not too long ago I watched a horror movie and it got me thinking of how something so minor as an app on a phone can create chaos and fright. It is fun watching movies like this because it allows my creative juices to flow and for me to think up more ways for things to happen in my books. Not that I would use this idea, but it makes a person wonder what else can be used and twisted to fit a murder’s needs. I have been working hard on my techno killer book, and find that being creative is the main point of the book because the killer uses technology to his advantage. As much as technology has its uses, it can also serve for evil and that is what my book is all about. How one guy can use technology to control and kill people in weird and different ways. I do hope I do well in this adventure of mine in writing horror. Ideas can come from any place and it’s fun sometimes having our creative juices flow into ideas and then into something concrete.

Where are some places you get your ideas? I would love to hear them.

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