On hold

Well, after a week of reflection, my work is on hold temporarily because I am unsure as to what I might finish my book with. Where do I go from here? I have a kind of writer’s block and with holidays coming fast I think putting it aside, for the time being, is my best option. I will work on other things in the meantime. I know I have written about writer’s block before, but this can be a cruel problem that many writers face. It is not necessarily the lack of ideas but also a result of too many ideas at one time that makes a writer not know which way to go. This is where I stand. I have tried all my methods in moving past this block, but nothing seems to work. But sometimes I think people just need a break. Whether it is because of work or family or anything we do in life, taking a break can be good for one’s soul. So that is what I will do now. I will take a break and start up again after the holidays.

If anyone wishes me to speak on a subject, just leave a comment and I will be glad to talk about it.

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