Negative energy #1

One of the most significant negative energies that I find is greatly misunderstood is anger. Yes, this is an emotion, and everyone has the right to feel whatever way they wish to. Yet anger can be undercooked because of how far it can take a person. Anger can be something minor or something huge, and it is the worst anger that I am looking at in my blog. I am not looking at a person’s one-time anger when they are wronged. I am referring to the kind of anger that stays with a person and builds over time, leading to undesirable behavior, like killing. 

Anger is dangerous negative energy because it can start small and grow into something uncontrollable. Anger can lead to a whole mess of bad behaviors as well as turn a person almost evil at times. This can relate into a character when writing. When the character has negative energy of anger they will behavior in certain ways. Such as an abusive husband will take their anger and use it to fuel their behavior toward their wife. 

When building a character, if the writer chooses to use anger as the character’s primary energy, they can go two ways. It can start with a build-up to extreme anger or start with extreme anger. Each makes the character appear different. So depending on how the writer wishes to have the character appear, they will decide which one they use. Using anger as the negative energy around a character can be interesting because it always results in having a back story to the character, which a writer also has to think about in their writing of such a character. 

Anger always has a reason for being and can make a character interesting and have an extra layer to them that can make a reader interested in knowing about the character more even if the character is evil. Anger has to have a back story, unlike other negative energies, because the anger had to stem from somewhere. As for another negative energy like the pride of a person. Can be nurtured or born with. 

I find when writing, I like to put thought behind my characters so that they become what I desire them to be. Thoughts?

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