A little excerpt from my book

I wanted to give people a little bit of how I write for all those who are curious. I decided to post a little excerpt of the book to help excite those who are still not sure about the book. Enjoy

Suanne turned on the television. Sitting on the couch, she ate and watched the news. It was a part of her routine each day. She liked to know what went on in the world. Why not? It allowed her to see how great her life was because she did not have it as bad as others in the world.

Suddenly a hand with a knife was at her throat, and someone uttered, “Don’t move.”

Suanne did not move. She felt paralyzed by the knife at her throat. She could not see the blade but could see the end of the brown handle of the knife, which appeared to have some red residue. She did not wish to know what that was. Fear crept inside her at who this was and what this person wanted with her. Her thoughts went to her ex. She prayed that it was not him because she knew what horrors he was capable of doing. Her eyes were still on the TV, as it started a special announcement for their local area.

“This morning, two criminals, names Roderick Mesdise and Pete Roverton, escaped from prison. Police say that they are presumed armed and dangerous. If anyone sees them, they are to call the police and not engage them.” The TV then showed two pictures of the men. “They are presumed to have left the area, but we advise locals to be cautious.”

“Look at that. We are on TV,” a man said behind her.

Suanne realized that it was another man, not the one holding her hostage with the knife. She could not believe that this was happening to her. At least she could be relieved it was not her ex, but she did not think that these men would be any better.

“Shut up,” the man who had the knife told the other one in a rough voice. “Go shut the curtains. We do not need anyone looking into the house.” He was leery at everything and everyone. He had good reason to be. He did not wish to return to prison.

The other man answered, “Okay, Red.” He walked over to the curtains and made sure the living room windows were very well covered so no one could see what was going on in the house. He knew how to follow instructions and understood what Red wanted.

“Go make sure all other windows are locked and covered. We do not need any unwanted guests,” the man called Red ordered.

The other man walked off to secure the windows.

Turning his attention on the female, Red asked, “What is your name?”

Suanne did not know whether she should answer or not. These men are said to be dangerous. However, she feared angering them. If she did not do as told, would they kill her? She was sure that they would, or they would do something else to her. She did not know the reasons they were in prison. Feeling her heart beating as if it would jump out of her chest, she better tell them her name. It was not worth dying over.

“Suanne,” she paused. “Suanne is my name.”