Techno Killer’s Schemes

Part 5: Russian death Roulette

They were in their dining room, all seated around the dining table. Each chained to their chair, feet connected to the legs, and arms connected to the arms of the chair. The six friends and roommates had no idea what was happening. They all woke up in a dreamy state. All they could remember was returning the night before from the movies that they had gone to together.

There seemed to be a crossbow connected to a little machine in the middle of the circular table, but none of them knew what the machine did.

Chloe had been the first to wake up and realize the situation they were in, which was not good. She had to alert the others and see if any of them knew what to do. “What is all this?” she asked and watched as everyone shook their heads to say that no one knew.

Abruptly, a deep voice began to talk to them. “It’s time to play a game. My game is Russian death roulette. A surprise will come to each of you as each will have a turn. Hope you have fun, my precious toys.”

They all looked at each other in terror, for they realized at what seriousness this situation was that they were in, how much they wished not to be there.

“Guys, what are we going to do?” asked Chloe. She had no idea what they could do

He had an idea maybe, just maybe, “Does anybody have chains loose enough to get out of?” asked Noah.

They all began to shake and move their chains but had no luck. It was then that the crossbow started to move, rotating in a clockwise motion. The arrow had landed on Liam. The strongest of the group. He prayed he could handle whatever would be thrown his way and survive it.

“My precious boy, I see we have a fortunate man here today. If you can pick the correct button between the two, you will set everyone free. But if you choose the wrong one, someone will die. When you are ready, call out which color button you choose.” The voice said Menacingly.

Liam watched as a small pedestal with a red and green button rose from the floor next to him. As he examined the buttons, thinking what could possibly be the right button. The probability was 50/50, which he hated to think he would be that unlucky. He chose the green one because red always means something evil in his mind. He had to take a chance on one.

“Green,” Liam called out to the voice.

“An excellent choice, my precious boy. You have chosen for someone at this table to die,” said the deep voice.

“How is that possible. Green is always the right button!” Liam yelled. He could not believe that he picked the wrong one. This was unfair.

Little did he know that no matter what he said, the man behind this would not have let anyone go. The killer never allowed anyone free from his games. The crossbow began to rotate again, but this time it lands on the small and frail Sophia.

“My precious girl, you have been chosen by this lovely young man to die.”

At these words, Sophia begins to cry. She did not wish to die.

“No, you can’t kill her! That’s not fair. Take my life instead. She doesn’t deserve it,” Liam screamed. Hoping his plea makes a difference. He did not want to die either, but he liked Sofia and would do anything to protect her.

“Well, it seems we have a courageous precious boy here. Are you willing to give your life up for hers? Why?” The voice asks curiously.

“Because I love her,” Liam says.

The others around the table look at Liam, surprised by his revelation. No one knew about this.

“Well, who am I to stop true love?” the deep voice snickered.

The chains around both Sophia and Liam had been unlocked and fell to the floor. They did not understand how this man did it, nor did it seem to matter. They both ran to hug each other. They were glad to be able to move again.

“You two can go. Just go through the door on the right. That is the way out. I hope you have a great time spending the rest of your life together,” the deep voice mocked. He had no intentions of letting these two live a long life together but had another plan for them.

The others watched as Liam and Sophia walked to the door on the right and through it. The door slammed behind them and locked them into the room. They looked around to find that they were in another room.

Suddenly the rest of the group saw Liam and Sofia through a one-way mirror. As the two of them examined the room, they begin to hear a loud sound, like an engine starting. Unsure of what the sound was, they decide to ignore it, for they wanted to find the way out.

The group on the other end were watching Liam and Sofia look around the room. This did not look good.

Seconds later, a large saw came from the wall and sliced Sophia in half. A sheer scream came from her mouth right before she died. The group watching was horrified by the splatter of blood everywhere and the body parts fallen on the floor. This grabbed the attention of Liam.

As he looked at her dead body parts, he began to yell in agony. He could not believe this man could be this cruel. “You monster, we were supposed to be let go. You lied to us.”

Those were his last words. Another saw came from behind and cut his head clean off. The shocked faces of the rest of the group only made the killer smile. Now they should realize that no one would be getting out of there alive.

“Now have we learned a lesson today, my precious toys?” the deep voice asks, not expecting an answer.

They had faces of disgust and hatred for this man. None of them could believe what they have just witnessed. This also put them in fear of what would happen next.

“Go to hell, you bastard!” Noah yells out, tired of the shit he was being put through. None of them were terrible people, so why were they chosen for this horror to happen to them?

“My precious boy, language like that is very unnecessary,” the deep voice sneered.

They begin to struggle in their chains, trying to leave before they suffer the same fate as their friends. It was then the crossbow started to spin again. This time it landed on Brandon.

Brandon, the shiest of the group, closed his eyes, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. There was no voice, no noise, no nothing. The room sat still for a few minutes, and he peeked out, worrying.

Abruptly, a loud noise was coming from above them. It was now that they realized that there had been a trapdoor installed above each of them. The sound was coming from above Brandon. It sounded like something heavy was falling very quickly and hitting the side of something as it was coming down. Unsure of what the object could be, Brandon tightly closed his eyes and awaited his fate.

Then an anvil burst through the trap door, falling onto poor Brandon, killing him instantly. The body was smashed, and blood sprayed everywhere and on everyone. They could see the brain oozing out from under the anvil.  

Not too long after, the crossbow began to move again.

“Not again. When will this end? I think I have seen enough death today,” Noah cried out. He could not do this anymore. His stress level was over the roof, and he could even feel his heart beating as anxious he was.

After an agonizing wait for the crossbow to stop, it finally chooses Noah as its next victim.

“Finally, I have been waiting for this one,” the deep voice uttered in excitement. This boy annoyed him, and he would enjoy this death immensely.

Everyone waited for what death would happen now. Nothing happened.

It was not until Chloe saw the look of pain on Noah’s face. Noah had been injected with an unknown serum. His muscles and nerves were reacting badly to the injection, and he began to have spasms as the liquid burned his insides.

While Noah was slowly dying from the inside out, the crossbow decided to move again. It had landed on Nikki this time. Nikki began to scream and cry for help. She did not want to die. She had already witnessed most of her friends die in such horrible ways and was not eager to have her turn. Nikki quickly looked around for something to help her out of this situation when she noticed Noah’s body go limp and white stuff leak out of his mouth.

He was dead. The scene made her cry more frantically.

“Nikki, stop crying. It isn’t going to help!” Chloe said to her friend.

Soon they heard what sounded like the buzzing of bees. Nikki looked to her left, noticing that the sound came from where Liam and Sophia had been killed. She felt her chair begin to move forward, towards the door of the room. She looked behind her and saw her chair was on a track, pulling her inside the room. The door opened, and once inside, it slammed shut. Then thousands upon thousands of wasps were let into the room. They began to sting her over and over again. It did not help that she was allergic to bees and wasps. She slowly died from the stings, and her body went into an epileptic shock as she slowly suffocated from her allergic reaction.

Chloe watched as her last friend died in pain. She did not wish to know what would happen for her turn. All was horrifying. This man was a mad man, a crazy person, a monster from hell. She feared what would now happen to her.

Chloe was the last one. She dreaded what would happen when the crossbow moved again. It had to land on her. There were no other options. All she had left was to wait for her inevitable death that would come, praying that it was not too bad. Quick, she wanted it to be quick.

“My precious Chloe. Looks like you have made it past all of the rounds. That means you get to be set free,” taunted the deep voice.

The constraints on her arms and legs slowly unlocked and fell to the floor, allowing her to be free. Chloe took this time to run for the nearest door. As she grabbed the knob, she stopped herself and remembered what had taken place in the room on the other end of the door. This would not be a good way for her to go.

She stepped back and analyzed the area. The room was quite simple yet had plenty of things rigged everywhere, which made her think that this killer had to be some kind of engineer or mechanic to be able to do so much with technology. And the fact that this killer seemed to operate everything from somewhere not in this room only made her wonder even more.

She then noticed another door on the other side of the room. Walking to the door, she began to hear the rotation of the crossbow once more. When she heard this, she dashed to the other door. She attempted to open it, but it was locked. She looked at the crossbow and saw that it was facing her.

She frantically tried to open the door, banging and kicking the door, but it was no use. She took one more look at the crossbow.

The deep voice returned and uttered, “Oh wait, I forgot. My games don’t end…” he paused, “until everyone is dead.”

With these words, the crossbow shot the only arrow straight into Chloe’s heart. She fell to the floor in pain, unable to take normal breaths.

“You are the sickest scum on the earth,” she said as blood filled her lungs. Then she had to ask, “Why? Why us? Why this?”

“Thanks, precious, and you will never know,” smirked the deep voice.

Those are the last words Chloe heard before she died.

The killer looked at his handy work. This was truly fun. He knew the FBI would find this place, and he sent them the location. He loved this game he played with the FBI. They would never find him but know of him. He would become infamous. A huge grin came across his face at what he imagined when the world would learn about him, and he would become notoriously the best criminal in the world. Something he would live up for that was for sure.