Evil starts in the mind

It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.


A person’s mind is an amazing thing/. It is within our minds that we decide to do good or evil. The worst evil in this world is a person’s mind because that is where evil starts. Anything terrible that any criminal has done started within their mind first. But what triggers the mind into going towards the good or the evil? This, I think, is the essence of psychology. Knowing why people do what they do is what psychology is all about. However, I am just a writer, so how can I use this to my advantage? Understanding that all evil starts within the person’s mind can help me create a character with more depth. By understanding how the mind works enough, I can write a character that seems natural yet is off-centered. The characters that I like to write tend to have issues. But for me, when I am writing and developing a character, I want it to appear like this person could be real. So learning and exploring how the mind works and why people do what they do is an important factor for me and constantly ongoing. The mind is essential to life, yet we know little about it.

One thought on “Evil starts in the mind”

  1. I agree 100% It feels like I am reading my own words here. As a matter of fact, I just wrote on my website a little while ago that I feel we all possess good and evil inside of us and how we choose to unleash them onto the world is what makes us who we are.

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