Negative energy #4

Pride is serious negative energy that sometimes is unrecognizable. Because pride has a good side and a bad side, it can be hard to see that there is a problem. Also, pride makes a person feel good, which also hides the fact that you have pride. The good side of pride is being proud of your accomplishments or something you do. That is okay. But the bad side is when it is in access. Pride can take over your mental state and cause you to do things that could be dangerous for you. 

With this in mind, if I am to create a character that has a pride problem, I would try to portray it in access. Such as the characters thinking that they can not get hurt. Pride of thinking you can do anything that you are capable of doing anything in an extreme way and never get hurt can fundamentally cause your death. So for a character, this energy can be an interesting one because a writer can create a character that seems normal until the very end. After all, pride would ultimately kill the character in some fashion. And what reader does not like surprise endings. 

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