
I’m working real hard to get this book out to everyone. Not always an easy feat, but I think it’s coming along quite nicely. My projection is to have it all set for Monday. I hope people do enjoy my book. It can be quite exciting thinking of having this book out there for the world to read. I am already thinking about my next book. But first things first, getting out my first book. Excited isn’t the right word of how I feel right now. My anticipation is high. I am thrilled at the thought that my work would be out there for everyone to read. I am nervous about how people will see my work. I am eager to see how it’s received. Full of emotions this morning but all good ones.

Xavier Black

Name is Xavier Black, and I’m a new upcoming writer for the darker side of life and unimaginable creatures. As much as there can be good, there can be evil. I choose to create books looking at this evil, books with a psychological twist, and the realms and universes out of this world. As much as some behaviors can be predicted, others cannot. I will write on the paranormal, on the psychological, life horrors, life that would be beyond earth, on weird and unanticipated things. The only thing that stops me is my imagination, and it’s vast. Do you love reading about such things, about how weird or cruel or abnormal life can be? Enjoy my books as they come.