Two sides of energy 

Let me start with the two sides of energy.  I want everyone to understand that there are two sides to everything in this world. This is also with energy.  Yes, there are many kinds of energy, but only two sides and all the kinds of energies can be put into one or the other side. The two sides are positive and negative.  Now, most people may understand what this means, and I want to ensure that what I am referring to is clear for less misunderstanding.

Positive energy is comprised of all energies that are seen as positive. These are energies that uplift, create happiness, and encourage or give hope. Negative energies are comprised of all energies that are seen as negative. These are energies that bring sadness, anger, evil. Now each side comprises many kinds of energies, and in my future blogs, I will be looking into some on both sides. 

I believed in energies and wanted to make some blogs on them because I think it helps people understand others better. Learning about these energies has allowed me to see how I want certain characters to be and what kind of energy I wish them to give off. And for a writer like me, understanding people help develop my writing by writing something that makes sense. And I wish to share my thoughts on this with anyone interested in reading it. 


There are many different ways to look at energy. And I, too, have my own way of looking at this term. Let me start by saying what I mean by this term. When I am talking about energy, I am talking about the energy that plays between two characters, meaning how they play off each other. This is important for me in my writing g because I like to develop how people play off each other, whether in a good situation or bad. 

There are different kinds of energy. For me I see this in categories and subcategories. For me, there are only two categories and many subcategories. The two categories are positive and negative. And I find it is important to know when to use which one and how this energy plays on the other characters in a story. I will look closer at each category and subcategories in my following few blogs. 

In life, we all play off each other’s energy, and it can be crucial in writing when you want to write something realistic, to understand what the energies are and how we can use them to our advantage. Some writers may not even realize that they use energy when writing, but I like to analyze each aspect of writing and analyze it. And this is why I started to write blogs in the first place. To create a space to discuss how we write books.

Dark stories

Like any other writer, I am creative in my own way. I like to think that I write dark stories, weird and different kinds of stories. But I like to use psychology and people’s behavior to create my stories. I like to write the negative behaviors that exist in people. 

I believe that we all have good and bad sides to us. Yet, for specific reasons, the good shines more, or the bad comes out more. Whether it is because of traumas or experiences we have or even how our brain is wired, how we see the world plays to our actions, and I love using this to create exciting and a darker version of stories. It may not be easy to write in general, but writing dark stories can be even more complex because you are writing horrors or thrillers or a side of psychology that most may not even fully understand. I want to give credit to all the good authors out there who used their creativity and wrote dark stories for humankind to enjoy. And there are many good authors out there. I just wanted to make sure they knew that people and I enjoy their writings and appreciate how hard it can be to write a dark story.

People’s perspectives

The perspective that a person has defines how they will behave, whether negatively or positively. And in writing novels, this concept is mainly used. Why? Because it is how we write, a good author will write what they know, and one thing we do know is that certain people will behave in certain ways by how they think. So a character will have particular similar perspectives in life so that their reactions and behaviors fit. I believe this helps develop a character, especially one that goes dark. A dark character has issues, and we need to draw on these issues by using how the character thinks and their perspectives as a method of how they react and act in the story. 

I have done a lot of research on dark psychologies, and it suggests that how we think we act and what happens to us also relates to how we think. When used in writing, this concept can help because we cannot have a character killing people without having a certain mindset that the character has and reasons behind their behavior. So for all the writers out there, do your research and learn, and remember good character development starts with developing the mental state of that character, then the behavior will follow. 


Good or evil

Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It’s a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other.

Eric Burdon

In all my research in dark psychology, I find this quote to be so true. We all have good and evil within us, and every day we look at each situation from both perspectives, and which one wins is the deciding factor on our behavior. Whether we behave right or wrong, our inner battle for good and evil is a huge factor in seeing things and reacting. I think it is how human beings are made. To look at the good the evil and decide what we may want to do. And in many ways, this shapes our perspective on the world. Which in turn makes us lean more to one side or the other. The way I see it is that it’s a circle we go in. Our behavior affects how we see things, then how we see things affects our behavior, and in the end, which one wins, good or evil?

Another way of looking at this quote is to see it as negative and positive. People’s perspectives play a massive role in their behavior. If they look at things negatively, negative actions happen. If they look at things positively, positive actions happen. The negative and positive outlook plays onto our behavior, and then our behavior adds to the negative or positive in our life. In many ways, this affects the world around us.


Human capacity for evil

As human beings, we have the most extraordinary capacity for evil. We can perpetrate some of the most horrendous atrocities.

Desmond Tutu

As a person who loves to look at the dark natures of human beings, I happen to agree with this quote. The dark side of humanity can be gruesome. In all the studies I have done, people can think of many horrible ways to be evil. However, as a writer of horror and psychological horror and all that is weird, it allows me to have a better sense of what I am writing. I say that all this research allows me to tap into this world to write it more efficiently. It is crucial for any writer to know what you write in some form or fashion. And to all the great horror or thriller writers, the best writers always do their research because it is important to know what you write. I am not saying to go out and practice what you write. That would be silly and foolish and horrible. I just think that sometimes when writing something and the writer describes something, it is crucial for it to feel like it could be accurate and not be over the top or not making sense. I think that is the difference between a good writer and a semi-good one because they looked into how to describe this or that instead of just using imagination. Yes, imagination is important too, but I will write about that in another blog. Also, I think this is how a writer can attract readers with great descriptions. Thoughts?

Evil starts in the mind

It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.


A person’s mind is an amazing thing/. It is within our minds that we decide to do good or evil. The worst evil in this world is a person’s mind because that is where evil starts. Anything terrible that any criminal has done started within their mind first. But what triggers the mind into going towards the good or the evil? This, I think, is the essence of psychology. Knowing why people do what they do is what psychology is all about. However, I am just a writer, so how can I use this to my advantage? Understanding that all evil starts within the person’s mind can help me create a character with more depth. By understanding how the mind works enough, I can write a character that seems natural yet is off-centered. The characters that I like to write tend to have issues. But for me, when I am writing and developing a character, I want it to appear like this person could be real. So learning and exploring how the mind works and why people do what they do is an important factor for me and constantly ongoing. The mind is essential to life, yet we know little about it.

So I’m back

I’m back at writing and back from my vacation. It has been a while since I went on vacation, but it was a most needed one. I think we all get those moments that we need to get away and relax, not thinking about work or things we need to do. And it was the holidays, spending time with people you care about is essential to life. I have thought about some interesting aspects that in the following blogs I shall write about. 

I hope you enjoy my upcoming blogs.

Angles of dark psychology

There is so much in dark psychology that I could discuss.  One part is the angles of what you are looking at. I see dark psychology in three categories. One is the mental side. One is the physical, and the last is the emotional angle. Each angle has a different way of looking at the effects and the causes of certain darker behaviors.  I think it’s important to look at these angles when writing a character. Why? Because it is important to know each angle to know how to write a character in a way that can reach a reader. That is what every good writer wants, to reach their readers. So looking at these angles can help develop a great character. 

Knowing the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of why the character does what they do and why they behave the way they do can develop a character with depth. I am not perfect in my character development, but I try to use every method at my disposal to develop a character with depth, and that makes sense. In this process, I do research and look at the outcome that I want verse the proper response that my character should have. I take each angle and look at the overall picture. What do you look at when developing a character?