
I have been working hard on creating a certain kind of novel, a horror, which means the description is done in a certain way. I cannot be describing things and people in cute ways, that would not create the type of environment that I am going for. Cute may be good for kid books and love books, but when it comes to horror, cute goes out the window. So how do I use description to my advantage? I can create an environment of horror by describing it with a darker nature in mind. Such as a person could describe a hotel room as comfortable and clean, I can switch it up a little and say that the hotel room is dark and gloomy. well, I would go into much more detail than that but I wanted a quick example. The world around us can be described in two ways, the nicer way or the darker way. And when I am writing horror I much find ways to take something that can be cute and cuddly and turn it into something darker. I find it can be hard sometimes just as it can come to me easily. But writing horror is not always easy. It is not something experience so it takes a lot of creativity to write stuff that you do not know. But for me, I do some research and try to use description to my advantage. Also a good addition is to use the old tool of who, what, when, where, and how. It can also help in a description, I will go into more detain in my next blog.

What do you do?


I have been working hard on my next book and the techno killer’s book. And I am thinking about another possible book in the future. It is funny how when you are working on something that you are writing how other ideas will come to mind and make you want to move to write something else. But I have to stick with what I am doing because if I work on too much at one time it could hinder what I am working on. So as ideas flood inside my head, I write the ideas down to be able to come back to them later. This is how I deal with a flood of ideas. What do you do? I would love to hear suggestions.


I write what I would say is horrors, thrillers, and even dark psychological novels. So basically I write the dark part of society, all the possibilities of how dark a person can be are endless. But I like to tell my best stories and use psychology to write certain things that a lot of people may find fascinating but it isn’t easy to write.

It can be hard to write what I do because it is so dark and sometimes can be out of the box in some ways. But I have always found certain aspects of human nature fascinating, to understand why people think or do what they do can be baffling sometimes.

But I like to take what I have learned about human nature and put it into books. There is a lot of research that also goes into my books. This I find is an important aspect of how I write. Because I have to do research and figure things out, it can make writing a book a bit more lengthy to write. But I like to take my time because it allows for more precision and a better novel. Time is a big factor in life, it is what we use aimlessly yet we only have a limited of it.

What do you do for your time?


Because I have been working so much these days with my writing and life, I have taken some time to consider and have decided to do blogs once a week on Fridays for just some time. I think everyone should learn about their limits and how to make sure we do not have too much on our plates. I am sad to say this, cause I love writing, even if it’s a blog, but I want to concentrate on my techno killer book and it needs me to have more time doing that, which means less time writing my blogs and doing online stuff. See you all on Fridays.

The state of being alone with yourself

Aloneness can also be with yourself. This is when you are purely 100 percent with yourself and your thoughts, no one else is around to take you away from you. It is when you can be your true self to yourself. Most people may not see this as being alone, but I do because in many ways this creates a certain kind of aloneness that can have particular results. This state of aloneness can result in both negative or positive ways. It all comes down to whether or not you like being with yourself.

The positive side of being alone with yourself is that you can truly look into who you are, learn and grow and work on yourself so you can become the best you that you can be. The negative side, which is why I believe this qualifies as being alone, is when you do not like yourself. A person with negative thoughts about themselves, being in this state, can result in the person moving their thoughts to become more depressive and against themselves. This is where depression and suicide can lurk and therefore being in the state of aloneness with yourself can result in psychological downfalls.

This can be used in writing. A character can have these negative thoughts about themselves, which may come out more when they are alone. Unlike being alone in a crowd, being alone with yourself is all about your mental status. So it can reflect the mental status of your character.

Alone among others

The state of being alone among others is the feeling of aloneness when in a crowd. When a person is with others, whether group or with friends, that they still feel very alone although they are technically not. This feeling can create a certain personality and can affect the person’s personality, making them more withdrawn or appearance of being shy and reserved.

This term can be used when writing a person who sees the world is against them, whether it is true or not. A writer can portray this feeling of aloneness by when the character is in a crowd of people, describing how the feelings that the person has by being in a group although not feeling that they are. A writer can describe the sensations that this character feels when in a group of people and how much they prefer to be alone with themselves.

So much can be used when creating a novel, and this is just one way of looking at character development from a writer’s perspective.

The word Alone

“Alone. Yes, that’s the keyword, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn’t hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.”
― Stephen King

I like how this was said because someone’s worse enemy is not a murderer but aloneness. There is a psychological understanding when we look at the word alone. According to the dictionary, the word alone means isolation from others, although this can be felt by having no one near a person in a person’s mind, both have effects on a person’s mental state. When I look at the word alone, I see two categories, the state of being alone among others and the state of being alone with yourself. Each affects the mental state of a person and we can use these ideas in our writings, I know I do. In my next two blogs, I will look at these two states in detail and show how we can use them in writing. I do find that so many things can go horribly for a person and there are so many evils that we could come across and write, but the idea of the word alone I do believe is what people fear the most, even the end of the planet does not put as much fear into a person as the word alone.

What do you think about the word alone?

Psychology and writing

When I am writing something I like to use some psychology that I have learned to create my characters. I like to look at the dark side of psychology and see how I can relate it to a character within my book. Using something like psychology in writing, when it deals with certain kinds of characters, it is important to know a bit about what characteristics are within the mental state you are wanting to use. Such as, if I am to write a character that is psychotic, I need to know certain aspects of what it is to be a psychotic that I can use to create my character. I like to do research and see the different kinds of behaviors and characteristics that the kind of person I am creating could have. Then I decide what I could use and what not to use, to create the character that I desire. Because sometimes a character can be created but it makes no sense, such as if you are portraying a depressive person, you will not be writing about a person who is happy and partying all the time. That would not make exact sense unless there was some underline thing that will be written for the character, like that the character only pretends to be this when in fact is not.

Psychology can play a huge role for any character, whether you are writing horror, thriller, or even in romance, or children’s books. Although some may need more research and look into than other kinds of books, psychology plays a role in everyday life and therefore I believe should always be a factor that all writers should be aware of.

What do you think about psychology and writing?

Level of darkness

As an author, like every author, this is one thing that we have to evaluate when writing. I know that I do because when you are writing a story, you do not need it to go too dark or not be dark enough. You have to find the right level of darkness for the kind of story that you want to write. A writer can be very dark or just a little. It all comes down to how you want your book to be received and what is kind of book you are trying to write. I write horror, psychological horror, and thrillers. So for me, how dark a book can be is very reliant on how I want my book to turn out to be. And I play around with the levels of darkness, even sometimes in the same book, this way it can give the reader a different sense of what is going on. In some of my books, I write with the idea of murder and in other books, I write more psychological darkness. But it all has a purpose when in writing, whether it is bloody or mental, each kind of darkness plays a part in writing and your characters. So deciding the level you want to use is important to the events that are to be written within your book.

 What are your thoughts?